
I’m interested in Logic Programming, Program Synthesis and Interpretable/Explainable AI (IAI/XAI), particularly in Symbolic Machine Learning methods. I used to work at Uppsala University, but as of 2024 I work for a private company in Stockholm, Sweden.

Most of my research work is specialized on Inductive Synthesis of Horn Clause Programs, that is, automatically generating Prolog-like programs from given examples of how such programs should work. Writing systems that does this, and figuring out how to represent the found programs to humans, was my doctoral work.

I have a Software Engineering background in the industry, that spanned from ERP, to Databases, and to Games over the years. I still do bits of Games or Data Science work from time to time. I’m always up to discuss how to make Software Engineering easier, more accessible, more performant, more robust, more reliable. I feel we have a looong way to go.

You can reach me at gorkempacaci at gmail dot com.